Support staff visit as frequently as needed to offer support and add that all-important human interaction. A friendly face to support with daily activities is often crucial to you or your loved one’s happiness and wellbeing.
We provide companions who will genuinely be able to share interests, from sport and crossword puzzles to cookery, knitting, gardening and so much more. We know that spending quality time with someone who understands you and is genuinely interested in your life, interests, hobbies and what’s important to you is so beneficial to your overall wellbeing.
Our companionship services can be tailored exactly to you or your loved one’s needs.
Going to collect pension or visiting the bank
Shopping trips
Leisure activities
Visiting places of interest
Enjoying a chat over a cup of tea
Going out for coffee and a cake
Undertaking crafts and hobbies
Doctor, dental and hospital appointments
Encouraging and helping with appropriate exercise
Bill paying and management
Pet care and dog walking